miércoles, 17 de abril de 2013


This type of advertising wastes style and glamour, by the use of color, typography, design, or its illustrations. These ads are an example to follow even today. Although they belong to the advertising of the past, nowadays they keep calling our attention.
For example this ad of Malboro (the famous band of snuff), which we associate with a glamour person.

Malboro ad.

We still like vintage ads because they have something special, and they leave a taste of retro that we love. Also we can transport to an other decade.
For these reasons many brands choose to look at the old advertising new ways to create their campaigns.

Vintage advertising is a trendsetter in many current campaigns, many modern products have been adapted to an old style design. This ad shows the products of present brands through the past advertising.

Some of these ads are created by modern designers, while others have simply been modified directly from real ads of the time of our fathers.
Jon Williamson is a known artist and famous for retrieve and create commercials with these features, on his blog http://www.jonwilliamson.com/ he publishes his valuable collection periodically.
"Keep them smiling" - Jon Williamson

 Prestigious brands such as Apple, Nokia, Starbucks...have chosen to integrate this ancient touch in their campaigns.
Starbucks ad.

 A curious but spectacular advertising campaign is created by Brazilian agency Moma Out for Maximedia Seminars,they shows us the purest advertising vintage style, that makes us imagine the ads had been fashionable social networks today, if we were in the seventies or eighties.

Maximedia seminars "Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and skype"

For advertisers which look at the old new forms of inspiration to create their campaigns, the german programmer Philip Lenssen has create the site "Vintage Ad Bowser" in which are collected more than one hundred twenty thousand graphs, since the end of century XVIII to the year 2000.

The current splendor in advertising of this peculiar and curious art form, is for some to enjoy a few of the old from a stylish perspective. For others it's a lifestyle that is based on classic beauty. But whatever the point of view, what it is clare is that the vintage world is a classic which never go out of style.

Ipod ad.



Laura Sofí Escolán.

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